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Fairfield Hills Authority 12/19/06

The Fairfield Hills Authority held a regular meeting on Tuesday December 19, 2006 in the meeting room at Town Hall South, Main Street, Newtown CT. Chairman Robert Geckle called
The meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

PRESENT: Andrew Willie, Amy Dent, Donald Studley, Michal Holmes, John Reed and Moira Rodgers. Absent were Robert Geckle, Walter Motyka and State Rep. Julia Wasserman

ALSO PRESENT: Maria DeMarco (DeMarco Management), Robert Barclay (North American Realty), Ed Marks (Parks & Recreation Commission), Scott Bailey (O&G), Lorel Purcell (O&G), George Graikoski  (O&G) Gary Sorge (Vollmer Associates), SFC Smith (Military Police) Officer Stinson (Newtown K-9 Patrol)  3 members of the public, one member of the press.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Ruby Johnson of 16 Chestnut Hill expressed that she feels there are differences in the Master Plan from February 6, 2003 to the plan that is going forward. She expressed that the Master Plan from 2003 stated the New Town Hall would be in the Stratford building or north side, does not mention the Bridgeport Hall which is where the New Town Hall is being proposed. The difference in the money proposed is 7.2 mill. from the old plan to 10.4 mill.

ACCEPTENCE OF MINUTES: Upon motion by John Reed the minutes of 11/21/06 were unanimously accepted as present.

FINANCIAL: Members were in receipt of Mr. Studley’s year to date operating expense report as well as Ms. DeMarco’s management expense reports.(see attached) Mr. Studley reported that their has not been any conformation on the funding from the DECD in reference to the utilities infrastructure.  Preliminary allocations to O&G for walking trails and Ball Fields are going forward. Mr. Reed wanted to clarify that the Authority does not have control or are they in charge of the budget.

OPERATING: Scott Bailey from (O&G) stated that they anticipate the contract fro the walking trails and ball fields to be in execution after the new year. George Graikoski (O&G) met with Barbara Kasbarian (Parks & Rec Director), Ed Marks (Parks & Rec Commissioner), Carl Samuelson (Parks & Rec Dept), and a representative from Vollmer Associates to go over proposal of Ball fields. They made some necessary changes in reference to drainage, top soil and fencing. (See attached)

PLANNING: Robert Barkclay (North American Realty) went over changes to the draft of the commercial development package and expressed that it needs to get approved so it can be given to developers and go on the web site. Amy Dent suggested that a color coded key on pg.13 may help with some of the confusion. Amy Dent pointed out that the DECD is supportive of the project and the buildings being mothballed so they do not deteriorate any future. The Authority will continue to go forward with grant. John Reed mentioned that the walking trails grant was denied but it can be applied for again in six months.

Andrew Willie made a motion to adjourn at 8:15 pm and was seconded and passed.

Amy Dent made a motion to invite Sergeant Smith, Officer Stilson, Colleen Reszoly and Maria DeMarco to attend the executive session, motioned seconded and passed. The Authority called to order an executive committee session at 8:17pm. Motion to end Executive session seconded and passed. Meeting ended at 8:35pm.

Regular meeting was called back in session at 8:36pm. The Authority approved military training as described in the executive meeting.
Motion to adjourn was made by Amy Dent, seconded by Moira Rodgers approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 8:38pm.

Colleen                                 Robert Geckle Chairman